Boulder Log Home Restoration
This beautiful full log home sits on top of a ridge overlooking the front -range in Boulder, Co. This log home was nicely constructed and relatively new. The original film-forming stain product had started to fail. The resulting water infiltration was leading to mildew growth on some surfaces. The cedar shake roof had never been treated, but was constructed using better-grade shakes. The shakes were drying out rapidly and we were concerned about curling and checking.
We consulted with the homeowner and elected to strip the existing film finish on the log surfaces instead of recoating with the same product. This allowed us start fresh with a different product that we could stand behind with a five- year guarantee. Other benefits included better resistance to mildew growth, improved aesthetics and ease of reapplication.
We also pressure washed the shake roof to removing the dead surface layer. After thoroughly drying applied a deep moisture replenishing oil to the shakes.
The pictures to the right were actually taken five years after we refinished with the new product. Seven and half year later the logs and shakes were due to be refinished.
Product: Boodge Woodcare Professional Series Oil Siding and Trim
Color: Semi-Transparent Cedar